A modular Educational Robotics platform, supporting both visual and tangible LEGO programming

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An Educational Robotics platform, supporting a tangible LEGO programming language

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Tangible VR with LEGO (v1.0)

Immerse yourself and interact with VR-worlds using your own LEGO models

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Tangible VR with Modular IoT Units (v0.5)

A series of DIY tangible IoT modules, containing a single sensor or actuator, for use as controllers in VR

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Summer Camp (girls-only)

Projects from Teknologiskolens girls-only team at our annual summer camp in 2023

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The Coffee Bean Central

Project concepts developed for a Science Camp i organized in Kiel, Germany

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Buzz Lightyear Playsuit

An augmentet Buzz Lightyear playsuit, with sounds and light effects

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Breadboards and Diagrams

A non-intrusive DIY 3D-printable/laser cutable re-design for use in K-12 education

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Digital Compendia for Electronics

A digital compendia for interfacing sensors and actuators with a wide range of microcontrollers

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Robotics Workshops in Namibia

An outreach project on sustainable technology teaching in the global south

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FireFly - Library

A MakeCode library for the FireFly micro:bit connector, allowing DC and servo motor control

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Serial Monitor and Data Logger

A Bluetooth serial monitor and data logger for micro:bit and iOS

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An assorted selection of smaller random projects I have made during the years

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Wireless Interactive LEGO units

A modular IoT enabled Interactive LEGO platform

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Modular IoT for Escape Rooms

A modular robotics system for customizing escape rooms

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Board Game Robotics

A tangible programmable robot, programmed with swapable dials - remember your code and code on the run, no take backs, winner takes all.

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My primary areas of expertise encompass inventing and developing new interactive system for play and learning purposes, with a focus on gender inclusivity. Additionally, I have authored two articles discussing autonomous cars and the concerns related to overtrust in their AI and UI.


Augmented Virtuality – A simplified, scalable, and modular approach
B.K.M.K. Pedersen, P. B. Lyk, J. Nielsen
Accepted for publication at Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII) - 2024 (Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA: 29 June - 4 July 2024)

A new system for designing and developing new interactive experiences within the domain of Augmented Virtuality (tangible VR). The system is to the best of my knowledge, the first of its kind and has the potential to spark a new revolution within tangible VR interaction design.


Taxonomy for Educational Robotics at Schools
B.K.M.K. Pedersen, V.D. Ruwodo, A. Shipepe, L. Uwu-Khaeb, S.T. Yigzaw, I. Jormanainen, J. Nielsen and E. Sutinen
In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE). 2022. Springer

A taxonomy proposal for classifying the use of robotics in education across six dimensions, instead of a single final group


Using educational robotics to foster girls’ interest in STEM: A systematic review
B.K.M.K Pedersen, B.C. Weigelin, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In 2021 30th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). 2021. IEEE

A systematic review identifying parameters for developing gender inclusive Educational Robotics curricula


Girls and Technology – Insights from a girls-only team at a reengineered educational robotics summer camp
B.K.M.K Pedersen, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE). 2021. Springer

Presents the findings from a reengineered Educational Robotics summer camp and the effects of changes to gender composition, project materials and contexts on creativity and gender inclusivity


Understanding electronics and CT in school – a simplified method for drawing and building electronic circuits for the micro:bit and breadboards
B.K.M.K Pedersen, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In 2021 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC). 2021. IEEE

A case study evaluating the benefits of breadboards and circuit diagrams, redesigned to ease the learning of Educational Robotics and electronics


Educational Robotics and Mediated Transfer: Transitioning from Tangible Tile-based Programming, to Visual Block-based Programming
B.K.M.K Pedersen, D.M. Jacobsen, L.J.L. Teichert and J. Nielsen
In Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 2021. ACM

Examining the potential for mediated transfer of knowledge regarding computational concepts, when pupils transition from tangible to visual programming


From diagram to breadboard: Limiting the gap and strengthening the understanding
B.K.M.K Pedersen, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE). 2020. Springer

A non-intrusive redesign of breadboards and electric diagrams to ease the learning of Educational Robotics and electronics


Fabric Robotics-Lessons Learned Introducing Soft Robotics in a Computational Thinking Course for Children
B.K.M.K Pedersen, E. Marchetti, A. Valente and J. Nielsen
In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2020. Springer

Examining the effect of Educational Robotics project materials and contexts on creativity and gender inclusivity


The PANaMa Project–RoboCamp 2019 a Case Study: Lessons Learned from an Educational Robotics based Science Camp
B.K.M.K Pedersen, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. 2020. ACM

Presents the findings from two Educational Robotics science camps in Kield, Germany


The effect of commercially available educational robotics: A systematic review
B.K.M.K Pedersen, J.C. Larsen, and J. Nielsen
In International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE). 2019. Springer

A systematic review on the effect of Educational Robotics products and the used research methods


Towards playful learning and computational thinking – developing the educaŸonal robot BRICKO
B.K.M.K Pedersen, K.E. Andersen, A. Jørgensen, S. Köslich ,F. Sherzai and J. Nielsen
In 2018 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC). 2018. IEEE

The development of the Educational Robotics system BRICKO 1.0 with a tangible LEGO-based programming interface


Simulations and self-driving cars: A study of trust and consequences
B.K.M.K Pedersen, Andersen, K.E., Köslich, S., Weigelin, B.C. and Kuusinen, K
In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. ACM

Researching overtrust issues in AI systems for self-driving cars and simulations with expected physical consequences


Do We Blindly Trust Self-Driving Cars
K.E. Andersen, S. Köslich, B.K.M.K. Pedersen, B.C. Weigelin and L.C. Jensen
In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. ACM

Researching overtrust issues in AI systems for self-driving cars



Kodning Køres ind med LEGO

Article on BRICKO 1.0 by by SDU journalist Birgitte Dalgaard


As a Postdoc at the Technical Faculty of the University of Southern Denmark, I have extensive experience teaching embedded hardware and software development, and game development.

The courses covers a wide range of essential concepts and technologies, including communication protocols like Serial, UART, I2C, SPI, Bluetooth, Radio, UDP, TCP, MQTT, and WebSockets. Encompassing how to use microcontroller technology to interface a wide range of sensor, actuators, and Integrated Circuits, as well as their internal components and functions like Flash, SRAM, EEPROM, Interrupts, ADC, DAC, and PWM.

In addition to key electronic components like transistors (BJT, MOSFET, NPN, and PND), capacitors and timer circuits, while delving into cutting-edge areas like IoT and Digital Twins, and vital subjects like Play and Learning, Computational Thinking, and Social Technologies.

While the actual curriculas covers quite a lot of topics, a short summary of their essential concepts can be seen below.

2024 - Spring:

Programming of Robots and other Physical Devices

Embedded software and hardware development for IoT and Digital Twins, with microcontrollers, NodeJS servers, Web- and Unity applications, using both UDP and TCP communication protocols, and PID control

2024 - Spring:

Hardware and Robot Technology 1

Introduction course to electronics and embedded hardware and software development, Ohms and Kirchhofs Laws, Thevenin and Nortens theorems, BJT and MOSFET transistors (PNP/NPN), H-Bridges, Comparators, Shift Registers, Multiplexers and motor driver IC's, Capacitors and timer circuits, interfacing sensors and actuators, and PCB development

2023 - Spring:

Programming of Robots and other Physical Devices

Embedded software and hardware development for IoT and Digital Twins, with microcontrollers, NodeJS servers, Web- and Unity applications, using both UDP and TCP communication protocols, and PID control

2022 - Fall:      

Social Technology Lab 1 and 3

Project orientated courses on inventing and developing new technologies for social interactions, play and learning, often including WiFI enabled embedded software and hardware, Computer Vision, VR and AR

2022 - Fall:      

3D Programming 3

Advanced programming course on the architecture and development of online multiplayer computer games in Unity, game AI and server technologies

2022 - Fall:      

Hardware and Robot Technology 2

Advanced course on embedded hardware and software development, interrupts, EEPROM, ADC, DAC, PWM, communication protocols (Serial, UART, I2C, SPI), sensor and actuator interfacing, logic gates and IC's

2022 - Spring:

Hardware and Robot Technology 1

Introduction course to electronics and embedded hardware and software development, Ohms and Kirchhofs Laws, Thevenin and Nortens theorems, BJT and MOSFET transistors (PNP/NPN), H-Bridges, Comparators, Shift Registers, Multiplexers and motor driver IC's, Capacitors and timer circuits, interfacing sensors and actuators, and PCB development

2022 - Spring:

Hardware and Robot Technology 3 (partly)

Project course on developing IoT solutions, with WiFi enabled embedded hardware and software. I taught the part on the communication between microcontrollers, NodeJS servers, web- and Unity applications, using both UDP and TCP.

2021 - Fall:      

Programming of Hardware and Robot Technology for Playing and Learning purposes

Advanced course on developing Educational Robotics platforms for teaching Computational Thinking, with embedded hardware and software, microcontrollers and custom electronics and PCB development.

2021 - Fall:      

3D Programming 3

Advanced programming course on the architecture and development of online multiplayer computer games in Unity, game AI and server technologies

2019 - Fall:      

Hardware and Robot Technology

Introduction course to embedded hardware and software development with microcontrollers, custom electronics and PCB development

2018 - Fall:      

Introduction to Web Programming

Introduction course on programming dynamic web-applications

2016 - Fall:      

Fundamentals of Programming (as instructor)

Introduction course to game development


I have been teaching weekly classes on robotics to kids aged 10-16 at Teknologiskolen since we opened in 2015, using a wide range of difference Educational Robotics platforms and microcontrollers.

In 2020, I created a girls-only team for our annual summer camp. All 20 spots on the team were filled, providing a significant increase from the usual 2-4 participating girls aged 10-16. Building on this success, I established a new weekly class exclusively for girls named "Robot Pigerne," and I have been teaching both teams ever since.

2015 - 2020:

Robot Spirerne - Weekly classes for all pupils aged 10-12

2020 - now:

Robot Girls - Weekly classes for girls aged 10-16



Introduction to IoT and embedded hardware and software

I am arranging a short workshop in collaboration with Prosa for their members, on IoT development with embedded hardware and software, using the Pico Pi W microcontroller platform


Kieler Robot Camp

I arranged and taugth two weeklong workshops on developing robotics with embedded hardware and software, for German pupils in 7th-9th grade, using the Arduino microcontroller platform in combination with LEGO Technic. For this purpose I had designed and printed a series of connection modules, bridging the interface of the electronics with the LEGO system.


IT Camp for Girls

I was a co-organizer and teacher at the university outreach science summer-camp program, teaching introductions to app-development, and embedded software and hardware


Elective cause on robotics - 7th grade pupils

I was co-teaching a weekly elective class (August to December) on robotics using LEGO Mindstorms EV3, together with a local teacher. The elective class were a joint project between the school and the university (SDU), offered to pupils from four local schools and hosted et Ejerslykkeskolen.


Game Development for a Day

I organized and taught a two day workshop on game development with GameMaker Studio, for animation students at Odense Designacademy


Forskningens Døgn

I was teaching an introduction to embedded hardware and software development with the Arduino microcontroller platform, for attendees at Forskningen Døgn, hosted by the SDU


Hi, my name is Bjarke Maigaard and I am an inventor and tinkerer at heart, fortunate enough to have the privilege of combining my creative hobbies with my profession. I am also a civil engineer in Learning and Experience Technology with a PhD in Educational Robotics, and possess a unique blend of technical prowess, creative insight, and passion for play and education.

My professional and academic journey has provided me with significant experience in working with interactive technologies and Educational Robotics, involving hundreds of kids. Providing me with the necessary skills for inventing, designing and developing new interactive systems for playing and learning, from the initial sketch to the hardware and software architecture, UI/UX-design.

In addition, I have specialized in developing gender-inclusive STEM initiatives for children, within the domain of interactive and educational robotics, striving to address and minimize the existing gender disparities within the field.

As a researcher I am informed by Design-Based Research and Constructionism, well versed in desk and field research, and always emphasizing the necessity of collecting both quantitative and qualitative data to get the full picture, using semi-structured and focus-group interviews, surveys, artefact analysis and more.

In my spare time I enjoy drawing and painting, reading comics, travelling, building with LEGO, and tinkering with prototyping and designing interactive projects which often blends the virtual and physical domains.



Bjarke Maigaard

Østerled 20, st. tv.
5000 Odense C

+45 2857 5336

